Resetleme #1 (Her kurulumdan önce resetleme yapılması önerilir)
# Telefon Numarası # (Santral var ise başına "9" yazılacak. Telefon numarası başına "0" yazılacak. Şehir içi sabit numara aranacak ise "0" ve "alan kodu" yazılmayacak )
#*21*# (1 sayısı alarm devam ettiği sürece arama sayısı ifade eder. Belli aralıklarla alarm giderilinceye kadar girilin sayı kadar arama yapar.)
Telefona gelen arama sonra
8888* tuşlanmalı
Sesli yanıtta alarm verdiğini sesli bildiriyor.
Tuşlama seçenekleri
1 Program kurma
2 Program çözme
3 Arama modülü üzerindeki mikrofondan ortamı dinleme yapmanızı olanak sağlıyor
4 şifre değiştirme
# kapatma
Active telephone dialer module
A) Introduction:
VM91B active dialer module has a phone dialer, voice prompts, voice alarm reminder,
remote arm disarm function by phone.Using DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) dialing,
can store 10 groups (with 11 digit phone number date) different phone numbers, you can
separately add or remove up / down the phone number.
VM91BTR voice module and the company's wired / wireless alarm host connection, when
the alarm occurs, there PGM trigger signal output, when VM91BTR detect the signal, it
will take the initiative to call the telephone set. Call number can be set to 1 to 9.
B) Connection
1:+12V------DC+12V power
3: PGM------ to panel PGM (arm disarm information)
3:-TRI-------(-)Trigger from Main board
5: +TRI------- (+) Trigger from Main board
6:GRN------GRN data connection on Main Board
7&8:TELIN----connect telephone line
9&10:TELOUT-----connect telephone
C) Operation
1. Input the telephone number or add telephone number
Input [#]+[9]+[*]+ telephone number1+[*]+telephone number 2+[*]+....+telephone number
10+[*]+[#]. in this way can continuously input the telephone numbers or add the telephone
number as you like. If you save 2 numbers before and you start saving numbers again in
same way it will go on saving from 3rd number. Device can record 127 digits maximum, if
more than 127 characters, it will alarm, and you need to stop the power to cancel the
alarm. It max. can save 10 telephone numbers if each telephone number is 11 digits.
2. Reset
You will hear “beep” after input [#] and [1] in turn, it means already reset and all the
telephone numbers, the called times will disappear; you cannot call through this sound
module any more until you program it again. Factory default Password is 8888.
3. The calling times setting
Input [#],[2] in turn, after then input the number you want among the numbers 1-9.
4. Edit Remote Control Password
Input [#],[3] in turn, you will hear a beep sound as a confirmation. Then you can input
desired 4 digit password. Your new password recorded successfully.
5. Delete the telephone number by single # 4 (0-9)
Input [#],[4] in turn, and input [2], will hear two sound of “long beep”, it means the second
telephone number be deleted. input [#],[4],[0], to delete the 10th telephone number.
6. DEPENDENT/INDEPENDENT calling mode setup
Input [#],[5] (factory default) to set your device to call every number till finish all numbers
even the alarm still on or not. Input [#],[6] to set your device to call the numbers that you
input as long is alarm is on. If the alarm is silenced, disarmed during calling device will
stop calling after finishing current call and stay in standby until another alarm.
7. PGM programming ( KEST panel )
Pgm needed to be programmed to trigger the panel as long as it’s armed. To let your
active dialer module know about panels arm/disarm situation.
Note: If you use another panel then KEST please look your panels programming manual
and program as explained above.
PGM function settings for KEST panel:
[Set] [Install password] [039] [dat] [dat] [040] [2] [9] [042] [dat] [8] [set]
Note: When setting the PGM, you must restart the panel without resetting to make new
PGM program take effect.
Default installation password:
363636 (S04W panel)
171717 (S07W panel)
121212 (S12W panel)
8. Panel alarm remote control feature setting (KEST panel)
Press [set] [install password] [086] [3] [set] [Back]
D) Remote operating your dialer.
Remotely operation flow chart is as follows:
1) password input: if you want to enter operating menu of your active dialer through
telephone when you called the device you need to enter password when its asked
from you. Default password for the device is 8888. When device called you incase of
alarm its enough to press [*] to enter the menu.
2) Arming: If you want to arm your panel press 1. After pressing 1 you will hear a
confirmation sound says that your panel is armed.
3) Disarming: If you want to disarm your panel press 2. After pressing 2 you will hear
a confirmation sound says that your panel is disarmed.
4) Listen environmental sound: If you want to listen environmental sound press 3.
After pressing 3 you will start receiving 30 sec. long sound capture from your territory.
5) Change password: If you want to change your password press 4. After pressing 4
you will hear a sound asking for the new password. Input your new 4 digit password.
User Note:
1- To operate the module from your telephone you need to use 1,2,,3,4 and # buttons.
The factory default password for the device is 8888. It can be changed from the
programming remotely or from the keypad of the device.
2- After triggered device will start calling the number list one by one. If it can not reach one
of the recorded numbers it will pass the next one. After device complete the numbers
recorded. It will stop until another trigger.
3- During operating remote user needs to wait the voice prompt before inputting any data.